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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Submission requirements:

  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it submitted to another journal for consideration.
  • Submitted manuscript should be in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file format.
  • Submission includes the following files:
    • cover letter
    • title page
    • manuscript file
    • figures (if applicable)
  • Manuscript file includes: abstract, manuscript text, references, tables.

Cover letter:

Cover letter is a mandatory file for the submission. The author(s) must confirm that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere or has not been previously published. Identify the person responsible for the integrity of the work as whole (usually the corresponding author). The author(s) must state the submission is approved by all authors and that all authors agree with the order of the authorship. Author(s) must state that they have no conflict of interest.

Title page:

The title page is a separate file item to the main manuscript, which should include:

  • Manuscript title. The title should be informative, and the authors should avoid any abbreviations and formulas where possible (abbreviations CT, MRI, SPECT and PET can be used in the title).
  • Type of the manuscript (see all types of manuscript).
  • Full name(s) and family name(s) of all author(s) (check that the names are spelled accurately). Please write the surname(s) in capitals and the name(s) in lower case.
  • Institutional affiliation of each author; indicate affiliation in a superscript number immediately after each author (including the country name). If all the authors are from the same institution, then there is no need for superscript letters.
  • Clear indication of the corresponding author (name and address of the corresponding author, including telephone and e-mail).

Manuscript preparation

The manuscript should be written in English language, the text in 1.5-spaced, with 12-point font (preferable Times New Roman), Main titles should be bold, 16-point font (preferable Arial or Calibri) and subtitles bold, 14-point font (preferable Arial or Calibri). Main titles and subtitles should not be numbered. Abbreviations may be used but most always be defined when they first appear in the text.

Slovenian authors are requested to provide a Slovene language title and an abstract (length 400-600 words) in a separate file. 

Please note that authors’ names and affiliations should not appear anywhere on the manuscript pages to ensure a blind peer-review. Please organise your manuscript subtitles in a logical structure so it clearly indicates relevant sections if applied.

The structure of the manuscript is in the following order as described:

  • Manuscript title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (provide an adequate background of the work and the purpose of the work at the end of the introduction)
  • Materials and methods (explained in such details that allows other researcher to reproduce the work)
  • Results (gathered data is presented in a clear and concise way)
  • Discussion (the work is objectively assessed; results and limitations of the work are evaluated and discussed)
  • Conclusions (present the main conclusions)
  • Acknowledgments (if relevant)
  • References
  • Tables

Manuscript Structure


The abstract should be constructed under the following subheadings: purpose, materials and methods, results and conclusion. These subheadings should appear in the text of the abstract. The abstract should be an accurate summary of the paper, should not contain references and not exceed 250 words.
Immediately after the abstract the author(s) must provide 3 to 6 keywords for the purpose of indexing. These key words will be used for indexing purposes.


Data in the tables should be rounded to a level appropriate for the information being provided. Tables should be supplied on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. All tables should be numbered (number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text) and referred to specifically in the text. Table number and the table title is written above the table. Footnotes may be added to the table, if necessary, referred to by the superscript letters within the table. Superscript letters should also be given at the beginning of the relevant footnote on a new line below the table.


Figures are line drawings and photographs. Figures and figure legends are submitted separately. Figures get the numbers by the order of appearance in the text. Figure resolution must be at least 300 dpi, JPG or TIFF format. It is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission by the authors for the publication and publishing of copyrighted material.


Please ensure that all the references that are cited in the text are also present in the references chapter and vice versa. Results that are unpublished and personal communication are not recommended for the manuscript preparation.

References should be numbered in order of appearance in the paper. In the text the references should be put in round brackets; for example (1). When citing more than one reference at the time reference number is separated by a comma, or by a dash for a sequence of consecutive numbers; for example (2,4,5-9). There should be no spaces between commas or dashes. Cite the names of all authors when there are six or fewer, when seven or more, list the first six followed by et al. Journal names should be abbreviated according to the NCBI Databases ( References  hould follow the Vancouver format. DOI number (if exists) should be included. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Journal article with 1 to 6 authors
1. Author AA, Author BB, Author CC. Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal. Year of publication;volume number(issue number):page numbers.
1. Hakansson M, Svensson S, Zachrisson S, Svalkvist A, Bath M, Gunar Mansson L. ViewDEX: An efficient and easy-to-use software for observer performance studies. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2010;139(1):42–51.

Journal article with more than 6 authors
2. Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF, et al. Title of the article. Abbreviated title of the journal. Year of publication;volume number(issue number):page numbers.
2. Chan VO, McDermott S, Buckley O, Allen S, Casey M, O’Laoide R, et al. The relationship of body mass index and abdominal fat on the radiation dose received during routine computed tomographic imaging of the abdomen and pelvis. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2012;63(4):260–6.

Electronic journal article
3. Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, Author DD, Author EE, Author FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of Journal [Internet]. Year of publication [cited YYYY Mon DD];volume number(issue number):page numbers. Available from: URL DOI (if available)
3. Mekiš N, Kocijan?i? I, Stegnar P. Sacroiliac joint imaging comparison between AP and PA projection. Bulletin: Newsletter of the Slovenian Society of Radiographers [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2020 Feb 14];31(1):4–9. Available from: http://radioloski-
3. Inoue Y, Nagahara K, Kudo H, Itoh H. Effects of the Scan Range on Radiation Dose in the Computed Tomography Component of Oncology Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography. Radiation protection dosimetry [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Feb 14];185(1):1–6. Available from: DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncy210

Complete book
4. Editor AA/Author AA. Title of book. # edition[if not first]. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
4. Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt EM, Boone JM. The essential physics of medical imaging. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.
4. Peters AM, editor. Nuclear medicine in radiological dinosis. London, UK: Martin Dunitz, 2003.

Book chapter
5. Author AA, Author BB. Title of chapter. In: Editor AA, Editor BB, editors. Title of book. # edition. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. [page numbers of chapter].
5. Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel SA, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press; 1976. p. 165-78.

Web page
6. Author/organization's name/Title of the home page [Internet]. [cited YYYY mm DD]. Available from: URL
6. World Health Organization. Obesity and overweight [Internet]. [2020 Feb 14]. Available from:

Ethics in Publishing

In case the research (prospective or retrospective) is conducted on patients and / or animals, appropriate consents and permissions must be obtained by the ethics committee before conducting the research. The obtained authorization must be indicated in the methodology section together with the authorization number. Personal details of any patient included in the article must be removed (unless a written permission is obtained).

Paper authorship

The authors are responsible for all statements in their papers. The authors are asked to carefully consider the order and the list of authors before the submission. Any rearrangements of authors in the list should be made before the acceptance and approvement of the article by the Editor. For any changes, the corresponding author should write a request to the Editor, which should include the rationale and a written confirmation of agreement on rearrangement by all authors.

Conflict of Interest

All authors must reveal any financial interests or personal relationships with other people that might inappropriately influence their work. A declaration of interest statement should be contained in the title page file.

Type of Contribution

Original full-length research article: this article comprises of Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. It should be approximately between 2000 and 3000 words, not including the abstract, reference list and figures for quantitative research articles. Qualitative research papers should be approximately between 4000 and 5000 words.

Review article: this article inspects books, articles and other relevant literature relevant to a particular issue or area of research and provides an overview and critical evaluation of these works. It should contain approximately between 3000 and 4500 words, minus the reference list.

Case study: reports a thorough and detailed examination of the individual case that is usually unique. A teaching point should be provided. The total number of words in a case report should be between 800 and 1400.

Units, Symbols and Equations

Authors should use the International System of Units. Equations should be fully typed and numbered sequentially.

Peer review

All the articles are double blind peer reviewed. That means that the identity of the authors is not revealed to the reviewers and vice versa. All the manuscripts are usually sent to minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the manuscript. Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles. The Editors decision is final.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.